بسطيلة بالدجاج طريقة مغربية 2| Moroccan Pastilla Chicken |English Version

The Chicken pastilla is one of the most popular and delicious dishes of Traditional Moroccan Kitchen.


200g phylo(filo) or dough
1 small egg
50 g melted butter

medium chicken max 2kg
2 big onions thinly sliced
4 tbsp finely chopped parsley
5 eggs
4 tbsp olive oil
2tbsp orange blossom water
icing sugar
150 g  almonds

1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 tbsp pepper
1/2 tbsp ginger
1/2 tbsp cinnamon
1/4 tbsp saffron
salt (adjust per taste)


In a cooker, heat the oil and add the chicken
onion and spices. Let cook for 2 min

After pour water into it and cover it.
 let it cook for 30 to 40 min on a medium heat;
(Don't forget to keep an eye on the cooking food from time to time)

After you have to remove the chicken from the cooker ,
debone it and cut it to a small slices.
Add eggs and parsley to the sauce, 
stir well until all liquid will be evaporated.

Let the egg mixture and the chicken 
slices cool before using

After , boil the amonds in water 
for a few little minutes, remove the peels. 
Then fry almonds in a hot oil until being golden .
Crush them a little and mix with sugar cinnamon 
and orange blossom water.

Grease a pan with butter or oil. Then put into some sheets
 of filo (bricks) in different directions, brush with melted butter.

First,Add the egg mixture then the chicken slices
 and finally add crushed almonds.
Cover with  other bricks , brush the edges with egg,

Bake for 30 to 40 min until the pastilla will be golden.
Serve it hot, you can decorate the pastilla as you like!

Happy Meal

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